On Monday November 8, 2010, a meeting was held to discuss the future of PMP, and twelve members attended. The general consensus was that PMP has been a very valuable group for local artists, providing a venue for members to learn new skills, to receive support, and to receive critiques on their work in a safe and supportive environment. The opportunity for learning through the workshops that have been sponsored by the group have been invaluable for members, and have been very appreciated. There was muchos gratitude expressed for the work, and many hours that first Vivian and now Victoria have devoted to our group.
The reason for the meeting was to address some concerns around organization of the group, and address the issue that Victoria needs more support and help in different areas as the group moves forward. We do not want to see her burnout, because her input, enthusiasm, and passion for art are so needed by our group,
I remember sitting at the meeting when we were deciding to rename the group from the Wannabees to the Purcell Mountain Painters, because some members thought they had moved to the next level. Now we are at another similar transition point. We have had our own PMP show now for three years, we have been a part of the Tour for all three years it has taken place, some of our members have applied to be juried into their own show's at Pynelogs, have been accepted, and have sold paintings through that venue. We have been asked as a group to have our own show in Kimberley, that will run between January 3 and 31, 2011. How great is that? We are very fortunate to have these wonderful opportunities to show our work.
In the past few years several of our members have made leaps and bounds in their painting and have moved from the place of trying to figure out how to do certain techniques, to how do I now market , and present, all of the paintings that I have sitting around. We would like to be able to provide some assistance and expertise in this area, not necessarily just on our own but maybe, by partnering with others if possible.
Sandra Howard has put all of the lists of emails together and come up with what we hope is a list that contains the names of everyone who wants to be included in our emails. I f you wish to have your name taken off please email back to me. It was decided at the meeting that we want to keep the group fairly informal so that it does not take time away from our painting, but have it formal enough so that we all know what is going on, and the left hand knows what the right hand is doing. To allow Victoria to do what she does best, and to give her more time for painting some members have volunteered to take responsibility for some of the organizational areas.
- Victoria will continue to lead our group, plan workshops, motivate and do many of the other things she does. We will just be taking some of the paperwork tasks off of her plate, and some of the busy things that others can do.
-Sandra Howard will be the liaison person between PMP and the Tour of the Arts Committee
-Bill Croft will sit on the Visual Arts Advisory Committee, as the liaison for our group, he will coordinate the Kimberley show and research other places where we might be able to show our work, like Cranbrook and Golden.
-Sherry Mallach will be the group treasurer. She will keep track of who has paid fees, who has registered for workshops etc. The PMP fees are 25.00 for the year, due in September. If you have not paid yet please make sure that Sherry gets your payment. She can be contacted at: sherbob@telus.net. She will soon be sending out a list of paid up members. We also pay 15.00 to the seniors for a membership and use of the hall, if you paint there. In order to display paintings in our Shows or the Tour under our umbrella you will need to be a paid up member.
- Gwen Pratt & Rowena Sinha will be responsible for scouting out local venues where we can hang our work and will keep it current.
- Sandra Brown will oversee the coordination(keep track of things) for Victoria, so hopefully nothing gets missed and Victoria has more time to paint. I will see if I can track down the real and virtual library we had and see what we can do to revitalize it. We invite everyone to our blog to see what Sandra H. has developed for us. The address is: purcellmountainpainters.blogspot.com . We wonder if it could become another method of members sharing information, asking questions, getting ideas on techniques etc.
If you have any ideas for any workshops you would like us to sponsor, or any teacher you would like us to bring in please email Victoria and Sandra B. If you would like to volunteer for anything please come forward. Remember our group is only as strong as we make it.
I took some notes at the meeting, but they are very sketchy so if I omitted anything please let me know. I look forward to seeing many more years of a robust PMP and the amazing art that our members are producing.
Thanks for your interest in, and contributions to our group. Cheers, Sandra Brown
Hi Sandra.
ReplyDeleteI am hoping I am on board now!