
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Application for 2012 PMP Pynelogs Show

Hi Painters,

We had a great workshop with Jami at Pynelogs today. Thanks to those of you who attended. I think it was a good turnout and we got lots of really helpful information.

The Pynelogs call out to artists has been sent and our group application needs to be done by mid January. If you are planning to be in the 2012 Pynelogs show, please identify yourself by responding to this post.

If you are planning to be in the show, please be prepared to have ready -- at least one week before the mid January deadline -- the following information:

  • your CV, Bio and Artist Statement

  • at least one good quality image of your work

We should all have fairly up to date information from our fall show so hopefully it won't be too onerous.

I volunteered to try to get a better show date but organizing the group application by myself is a bit more than I wanted. But I'm happy to do a bit of coordinating and to submit the application with whatever info folks have provided. If someone wants to help, that would be great. I'm away from Dec 9 to 25.

At this point, please post here if you want to be in the show and we will go forward from there.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December 7 Workshop at Pynelogs

Hi all.  Just a reminder that our workshop on improving your portfolio is on December 7 at 1 p.m.  Looking forward to seeing you there.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Dear Painters!!
Merry holidays!
I think that the 'key' people should decide when the Tuesday sessions will be closed for holidays so that we may let everyone know.
I do not have a car right now but I hope to see you there next week.
Paint on!!
Victoria P

Saturday, December 3, 2011

RE The Tour of The arts and PMP

I received this letter from Lynda Tutty on Wednesday and it needs a response by Tuesday.  If any members are interested in being in the Tour as a group the first planning meeting is on Tuesday.  Please read the letter and let me know of any interest so that I can respond to Lynda.  Sherry if I have missed anyone who has paid since the last list I have please send it on to them.  I am in Calgary and will be back probably on Monday.  Thanks, Sandra B

The Letter from Lynda

Hi Sandra –
I sent a letter to you regarding the Tour committee’s review of the PMP participation in the 2011 Tour and an invitation to participate in the 2012 Tour. I have not heard from you so I’m checking that you received the letter. I attached a copy to this message – just in case!

The committee would like to hear from the PMP as to whether they intend to participate in the Tour under the guidelines outlined in that letter -  and if a PMP member would like to attend our committee meetings. Our next meeting, as stated in the letter, is Tuesday, December 6, 1:00pm at Pynelogs.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards - Lynda