
Monday, November 28, 2011

Workshop on Improving Your Portfolio

Hi PMPs!  As you might know, we've been talking about the possibility of getting a better date for our Fall 2012 Show at Pynelogs.  An important step in doing that is to strengthen our group's application, which in turn means making sure that individual artists are presenting themselves as well as they can.  And that is all part of the process of showing your work no matter where you show it.  I have arranged a workshop with Jami from Pynelogs next week to talk about this.  Workshop topics will include: 
  • preparing your artist CV
  • what your artist statement should say about you
  • how to take good images of your work
  • pricing your work - some guidelines and feedback on previous sales
I have two tentative dates: Wed the 7th or Thurs the 8th.  On either day it would be 1 pm and would last for about 2 hours.  Location is Pynelogs.

Can you let me know if you are planning to attend and, if so, which day is better for you?  I prefer the 7th myself. Just post a note on the blog.  Or, if you have any trouble with that, email me at

Happy Painting!



  1. I would like to attend, currently either date is fine with me.

  2. Hi Laila
    I won't be there since I will be in Hawaii but I would have liked to attend. thanks for organizing this. Sandra H.


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