
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Invite to be a contributor.

Please reply to your invite to be a contributor to this site, which you should have recieved in your email box. I just invited all on our PMP 2011-2012 membership list. Since all our information will be in one spot now we should get less emails and we will just check here. Please stick to PMP business when you post after your inital try. I will help you make a blog spot of your own if you want to ..... . It's fun believe me...


  1. Sandra, I did not receive an invite. Can you try again?

  2. I sent a new invite Laila maybe I didn't put the . in between laila and jensen hope this works. Sandra

  3. Hi. Sorry to be so high maintenance, but I still didn't get it. I have turned off my "junk" mail rule just in case it was going there. Could you please try once more?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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